The Challenges of Creating a Healthy Work Life Balance

work life balance

Do you have issues creating a healthy work life balance? Or even maintaining one? If so, perhaps you’ve experience some of the challenges below: What stops you from creating a healthy work life balance?  Are you a high-achiever, hard working, a perfectionist, a people-pleaser or do you juggle multiple responsibilities? Then you might feel guilty […]

Making decisions, taking action and sticking to a plan

making decisions

Are you indecisive? Do you have difficulty making decisions, remaining accountable or even sticking to a plan? When a decision needs to be made and action is needed, you may feel under pressure. Perhaps, you may worry about the ‘what if’s’ and consequences of not making the right decisions? Alternatively, you may lack confidence and […]

Imposter syndrome: 6 signs you might be competent but under-confident

imposter syndrome, self-doubt and low confidence

What does Imposter syndrome sound like? Perhaps you catch yourself saying “It was a fluke!’, ‘I was just lucky’, ‘If I can do it anyone can’, ‘It was someone else’s hard work or talent’, ‘I had a lot of support’, ‘I’ll be found out’ ‘I’m a fraud’ ‘I’m not as good as everyone says I […]

Change Your Mindset: 6 Signs Self-fulfilling Prophecies Are Holding You Back

change your mindset

Each individual has their own unique personal professional stories and experiences which shape and influence current beliefs and actions. These stories, experiences, self-fulfilling prophecies and beliefs can either propel you forwards or hold you back.  So, how do you know when you consciously or unconsciously follow and live by your self-fulfilling prophecies? How can you […]