Is it just me or does the world feel more in limbo these days? The UK certainly has its fair share of uncertainty about Brexit and how this will or wont affect businesses, personal circumstances, trade, culture, politics and wellbeing.
However what happens when you can’t jump on a plane, train or automobile and you need to see things through?
Uncomfortable as it may sometimes feel, clarity and confidence and success can be found in unsettling times. After all, think of all those people who used uncertain times and situations as opportunities to succeed and thrive rather than to survive! Of course you don’t have to make your millions or to change the world within this time but you can make the smaller or larger changes needed to create your own signposts and pathway in a foggy landscape. When you focus and take action with the smaller goals they can lead to a change in mindset and circumstances which acknowledge that it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom…
Here are 6 tips to help you to find clarity, confidence and to experience a little piece of happiness and success when faced with uncertainty.
Take stock and ask what is in and out of your control? Have you ever fretted and focused over what is out of your control? You may not be able to change the world but you can change your response to situations. The most important question is to ask ‘is this within my control or out of my control?’ Then focus on the situations you can change and control rather and ditch the ones you can’t.
What one small thing can you do every day to change your mindset? Uncertainty can feel overwhelming and can make you start to doubt the stability of many things in your life! However, in reality there may be some areas of your life where you feel happy and content, whilst there may be other areas of your life where you feel unfulfilled and frustrated. However, did you know that small everyday changes lead to a feeling of empowerment, stability and can often lead to larger destinations? Consider what’s important each day for you to experience change, positivity and flow and then prioritise these things, pop them into your diary and remember to take action.
How can you make unsettling times and the unknown work you? Although uncertainty can be anxiety provoking, it also gives us permission to fall victims to our circumstances, to complain, to feel frustrated and resentful and of course to do absolutely nothing at all. First of all, acknowledge that an overarching reality of uncertainty is not forever and it will pass, but you can change your response to the uncertainty in your own life now! So why not use this time to your advantage? Most people at these times tend to batten down the hatches and to play it safe. However, why not afford yourself the opportunity to feel intrigued and to become a little bit more flexible, creative and to develop new skills and a mind map for the moment and for your future?
Become the CEO of your own life. We live In a world where it’s easy to be swayed by so much news, gossip, pressure, expectation and influence. But at the end of the day you can choose how you want to live your life. Ask yourself what’s important for you? What information from others or situations will you choose to listen to or leave behind? Listen to, trust and follow your gut feeling.
Accept uncertainty as a positive catalyst for change. The unknown can often trigger fear, anxiety and can cause people to shut down. However, if you can understand, challenge and disempower your fears, you will create a space for new ideas, situations, new people and fresh experiences to blossom even in uncertain times.
Decide what you want to do with this time. Consider whether you want to give yourself the opportunity to experience change within your own life by taking those smaller or larger action steps now? Or perhaps you may choose to embrace this time as a positive opportunity to stay with the uncertainty and to see it as a creative opportunity and space. Alternatively do you want to take stock, to openly assess the situation and to make some changes in some areas whilst you Nat choose to sit tight and ride it out with other areas of your life? The most important question of all is do you choose to feel empowered, creative and free? Or do you choose to remain a victim of your circumstances?