It’s now day 3 of the lockdown in the UK. Many of us will be wondering how on earth people in spain Italy or China have been coping since being in locked away in their houses for so long? Well obviously it’s crucial we all follow the measures for the health and safety for both ourselves and others.
Initially a lock down may seem like a new and novel way of experiencing the world around us. For some, they will be either relishing or dreading the thought of working from home. For others finding ways to keep themselves and their families not only occupied but sane will be the challenge. Whilst for other people who live alone, finding ways to combat loneliness and to stay connected will be crucial. Piers Morgan recently said on morning TV that we are not being ordered to go to the trenches but we are being asked to stay in our homes. This is a very true statement, however, as modern day social interactive beings we are being asked to cut ourselves off from everything that is natural to us and to physically cut ourselves off from everyone who is important to us in order to fight the invisible enemy.
So how do you successfully survive and stay sane throughout a lock-down?
Here are 6 tips to help you to survive a lockdown:
Strive for sustainable results and survival: We will all have different feelings and approach this lock-down in different ways, but it’s important not to set yourself too many high or unachievable goals. Instead, balance out your work and personal life each day, create a daily schedule which can be maintained and is achievable with small realistic goals each day rather than large unachievable goals which will leave you feeling deflated. The key to successfully surviving a lock down is not to get too bored or disinterested too early. Take and embrace each day as it comes
Survive conflict: If you’re isolating with family members, partners or flat mates it’s easy to start off with good intentions but soon you might find conflict arises as you find yourself stepping on each other’s toes. Never before have we been asked to socially distance ourselves from others and whilst being in company is hugely positive, equally conflict can arise and rows can very easily be triggered and spiral. The important thing here is to remember to give each other space and time. This means you have the understanding to create space and time which can both be together and time and space to be apart. When conflict arises, take some time to calm down, breathe and to separate yourself from the other person until everyone has calmed down. Once you’ve both engaged in other activities it’s important to then come back together with a fresh perspective and to calmly talk things through. Then listen to each other and communicate both your understanding of their feelings and yours.
Learn something new: once you’ve trawled through Netflix or you feel exhausted of your daily work schedule you’re going to want to inject something new into your routine. Most people complain they never have the time to spend time on themselves well this is now your chance! Why not learn something new such as a hobby, or reading a new book or learning a new language, hobby or skill whilst you have the chance? Or If you are able to, offer to help others or volunteer your time or skills to help others who are more vulnerable or lonely at this time.
Stay calm and don’t panic! I know it’s easy to say and harder to do! With everything that’s going on it’s hard not to connect to the news on your tv, radio or social media every 5 minutes. The media and pandemic storm can honestly make anyone feel low l, anxious and upset. So, why not limit your intake of the news to once or twice per day? This will hopefully lower your anxiety levels and will leave you time to engage in positive activities which will leave you feeling relaxed or energised rather than feeling trapped, isolated and anxious. Ironically, smiling and laughing will also boost your immune system so ask yourself what or who makes you laugh? Watch a comedy, take some exercise or an online dance class and sing your frustrations into a hairbrush.
Accept uncertainty: Ask yourself what is realistically in your control and what is out of your control? Will worrying or anxiety really help you and others, or will it be a risk to your wellbeing, immunity and health? It’s important to remember that you can’t control or change what is happening to the world in the wider scheme of things, but you can choose to positively change and control your response to it.
Stay connected: More than anything we are social beings. Our wellbeing, learning and development, and relationships with ourselves and others depends upon staying connected. Why not schedule in a daily online chat with friends or contacts? Or join an online group of likeminded people. Perhaps try a new online hobby, exercise or a new class? Schedule some daily time with family, friends or your partner and play board games, watch a film/have a movie night, play with your children, learn something new together or as a team effort spring clean the house or office.