Improve Your Emotional Resilience: 6 tips to help you to bounce back!

Build your resilience

It can be challenging to improve your emotional resilience and bounce back from failure, challenges and crises. You may want to walk away, ignore or forget the issues, or perhaps you may even be feeling hurt, angry, frustrated and upset. If you have difficulty improving your emotional resilience, it can have an impact on your […]

Healthy Relationships: How To Cleanse Your Life Of Toxic Relationships


I think it’s fair to say that we’ve all experienced toxic and unhealthy professional or personal relationships. These are often the relationships which take instead of give back, instil a sense of doubt and low self confidence within you and leave you feeling unfulfilled and emotionally and even physically drained.

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

comparing yourself

It’s often very easy to forget that whilst you’re full of admiration or perhaps even secretly envious of those people who seem fearless in the face of challenges, who are awarded promotions, or who are able to confidently present themselves well and seem self assured in both their personal lives, relationships and careers, what you may often see and compare is their shining highlight reel to your backstage clutter. So if you’re comparing two different sides of a coin, what is there to compare and why do we do it?

Leadership Confidence: The Double Edged Sword of Leadership

leadership confidence

As a leader or role model, you’re looked up to by your team, company, followers, fan-base and possibly even your family, social, cultural circles and friends as the central dependable and responsible person providing a hub of respectable and reliable answers, advice, logic, calmness, guidance and leadership.