Improve your confidence: 30 ways low confidence can hold you back
To improve your confidence, you first need to understand your triggers, experiences and what is holding you back.
Short-lived confidence is often sought from other people, validation, external situations, acknowledgment, success or as a reward. However, long-lasting confidence can only be developed and built from within you! In this sense, confidence can be described as a deeply personal and subjective belief system shaped by experience.
When you start to look for the answers within yourself, you’ll become aware of how, where and when there is an abundance or a lack of confidence. From there you’ll begin to understand how your responses, beliefs and fears have been influenced and shaped by your experiences. You’ll also understand how your beliefs and responses have either propelled you forwards or held you back from achieving your goals and realising your full personal and professional potential.
So what happens when you experience low confidence?
Low confidence can present itself in many different ways and it can impact how you respond to situations and how you feel about yourself.
Here are 30 ways low confidence can hold you back
- Procrastination
- Perfectionism
- Overcompensating
- Apologising and people-pleasing.
- Comparing yourself to others and the competition.
- Self-doubt and not believing in your abilities.
- Distrust in yourself or others
- Not being able to let go of control
- Feeling overwhelmed, burnt-out, and stressed
- Needing acknowledgment and validation
- Lack of assertiveness and people-pleasing
- Poor time management
- Lack of assertiveness
- Fear of failure, rejection, and setbacks
- Imposter syndrome and self-doubt.
- Decision making, communication and taking action.
- No Boundaries
- Undervaluing yourself
- How you present yourself.
- Your salary
- Public speaking anxiety or social anxieties
- Low team confidence, morale or motivation
- No or limited work life balance
- Lack of career progression
- Loss of career direction and clarity
- Lack of life direction and clarity
- Communication skills and communication issues
- Personal and professional relationship issues and dynamics
- Leadership loneliness
- Lack of Leadership identity.
Next steps
Do you experience self-doubt? Have you lost career clarity and direction or life clarity and direction?
Book a complimentary 15 minutes coaching discovery call here.
Find out how you can improve your confidence, find clarity and direction and fulfil your personal and professional potential!