Making decisions, taking action and sticking to a plan

making decisions

Are you indecisive? Do you have difficulty making decisions, remaining accountable or even sticking to a plan? When a decision needs to be made and action is needed, you may feel under pressure. Perhaps, you may worry about the ‘what if’s’ and consequences of not making the right decisions? Alternatively, you may lack confidence and […]

Improve Your Confidence: The Risks of Changing Who You Are To Fit In

improve your confidence

Improve Your Confidence: The Risks of Changing Who You Are To Fit In Oscar Wilde once said: “Be yourself because everyone else is taken” However, what happens when improving your confidence is not as simple as it seems? It may sometimes feel easier, comfortable and safer to be anyone else but yourself? Changing who you are […]

High Achievers, Success and Confidence: The Top Myths

high achiever

High Achievers, Success and Confidence: The Top Myths.  What do you think of when you think of low confidence? Perhaps you may think of someone who seeks approval and validation? Or perhaps someone who is critical of themselves, compares themselves to others or does not believe in their own capabilities? Alternatively perhaps you might see […]

Managing Career Stress, Overwhelm and Burn-Out

managing career stress

Managing Career Stress, Overwhelm and Burn-Out Stress, anxiety and burn-out are very common experiences in the workplace. There can be so many different reasons as to why you feel stressed, overwhelmed, burnt-out or anxious. Here are just a couple of examples You may feel as though you’re juggling 10 balls at a time and feel […]