Imposter syndrome: 6 signs you might be competent but under-confident
What does Imposter syndrome sound like? Perhaps you catch yourself saying “It was a fluke!’, ‘I was just lucky’, ‘If I can do it anyone can’, ‘It was someone else’s hard work or talent’, ‘I had a lot of support’, ‘I’ll be found out’ ‘I’m a fraud’ ‘I’m not as good as everyone says I […]
Change Your Mindset: 6 Signs Self-fulfilling Prophecies Are Holding You Back
Each individual has their own unique personal professional stories and experiences which shape and influence current beliefs and actions. These stories, experiences, self-fulfilling prophecies and beliefs can either propel you forwards or hold you back. So, how do you know when you consciously or unconsciously follow and live by your self-fulfilling prophecies? How can you […]
Personal, Professional and Executive Coaching: The Benefits of Working with an Executive Coach
Personal, Professional and Executive Clarity, Confidence and Success Coaching As an accredited practitioner coach (IAPC&M), I offer personal, professional and executive coaching support to professionals, executives, leaders, teams, role models, associates and partners. Through clarity, confidence and success coaching, clients work to break through their personal and professional clarity, confidence & success challenges so that […]
Improve your professional communication skills: Managing difficult relationships
Work relationships can be one of the most difficult dynamics we will ever need to navigate. As opposed to our personal relationships, we often do not have the luxury of picking and choosing whom we work with, who is in a team or who a company employs.