Imposter syndrome: 6 signs you might be competent but under-confident
What does Imposter syndrome sound like? Perhaps you catch yourself saying “It was a fluke!’, ‘I was just lucky’, ‘If I can do it anyone can’, ‘It was someone else’s hard work or talent’, ‘I had a lot of support’, ‘I’ll be found out’ ‘I’m a fraud’ ‘I’m not as good as everyone says I […]
Stress, Overwhelm, Burn-Out and Work Addiction
Here are 4 myths when managing beliefs about work addiction, overwhelm, stress and burn-out Myth 1: Overworking is a sign of productiveness Often being busy is confused with being efficient, focused and productive. However, working 24/7 does not guarantee you will be productive. In fact, in the long term, overwhelm and working 24/7 could increase […]