Healthy Relationships: How To Cleanse Your Life Of Toxic Relationships


I think it’s fair to say that we’ve all experienced toxic and unhealthy professional or personal relationships. These are often the relationships which take instead of give back, instil a sense of doubt and low self confidence within you and leave you feeling unfulfilled and emotionally and even physically drained.

Leadership Challenges: Managing leadership stress and pressure


Whether you’re in a senior role, a public role, or your personal life beckons you to don your cape and showcase your inner and outer superhuman powers, it’s easy to be consumed by a role where people look up to you or even depend upon you to come up with the answers, action and successful results.

Manage Career Anxiety

career anxiety

Do you go to bed on Sunday with the Sunday night blues and wake up with feeling the effects of another “manic Monday”? Perhaps you feel anxious about where your career is heading or if indeed you’re in the right career for you?