Imposter syndrome: 6 signs you might be competent but under-confident

imposter syndrome, self-doubt and low confidence

What does Imposter syndrome sound like? Perhaps you catch yourself saying “It was a fluke!’, ‘I was just lucky’, ‘If I can do it anyone can’, ‘It was someone else’s hard work or talent’, ‘I had a lot of support’, ‘I’ll be found out’ ‘I’m a fraud’ ‘I’m not as good as everyone says I […]

Leadership Coaching: Leadership Challenges and Micromanagement

leadership coaching

Leadership coaching: Leadership challenges and micromanagement When clients seek leadership coaching, one of the most difficult leadership challenges is being able to trust others and to let go of control. Often wanting to retain control shows a lack of confidence, trust and insecurity within yourself which not only impacts your own career but has wider […]

Change Your Mindset: 6 Signs Self-fulfilling Prophecies Are Holding You Back

change your mindset

Each individual has their own unique personal professional stories and experiences which shape and influence current beliefs and actions. These stories, experiences, self-fulfilling prophecies and beliefs can either propel you forwards or hold you back.  So, how do you know when you consciously or unconsciously follow and live by your self-fulfilling prophecies? How can you […]

Improve Your Emotional Resilience: 6 tips to help you to bounce back!

Build your resilience

It can be challenging to improve your emotional resilience and bounce back from failure, challenges and crises. You may want to walk away, ignore or forget the issues, or perhaps you may even be feeling hurt, angry, frustrated and upset. If you have difficulty improving your emotional resilience, it can have an impact on your […]