Improve Your Confidence: The Risks of Changing Who You Are To Fit In

improve your confidence

Improve Your Confidence: The Risks of Changing Who You Are To Fit In Oscar Wilde once said: “Be yourself because everyone else is taken” However, what happens when improving your confidence is not as simple as it seems? It may sometimes feel easier, comfortable and safer to be anyone else but yourself? Changing who you are […]

12 Leadership Challenges


Whether you’re an established leader or a new leader, you’ll identify with many leadership challenges. Perhaps you feel the need to show emotional resilience and leadership confidence, and therefore you find it difficult or inappropriate to talk about the challenges you’re experiencing. Numerous reasons for not sharing, may include fear for career security, judgment, scrutiny […]

Change your Career: 12 Hints It Could Be Time To Move On

Career change

How do you know when it is time to change your career? The wrong career or professional environment has the potential to hold you back, stop you from taking opportunities, apply for a career promotion, lower your confidence, stagnate your career performance or career progression, and can prevent you from reaching and realising your full […]

Career Progression Challenges: How To Confidently Manage A Career Promotion

career promotion and career progression

A New Promotion and Career Progression A new promotion can be an exciting new step in your career progression. Not only does it acknowledge all of your hard work, your dedication, your character and your skill set up to this point, but also it reflects your management’s trust and faith within your abilities, skills and […]