Improve your confidence: 30 ways low confidence can hold you back

improve your confidence

Improve your confidence: 30 ways low confidence can hold you back To improve your confidence, you first need to understand your triggers, experiences and what is holding you back. Short-lived confidence is often sought from other people, validation, external situations, acknowledgment, success or as a reward. However,  long-lasting confidence can only be developed and built […]

12 Leadership Challenges


Whether you’re an established leader or a new leader, you’ll identify with many leadership challenges. Perhaps you feel the need to show emotional resilience and leadership confidence, and therefore you find it difficult or inappropriate to talk about the challenges you’re experiencing. Numerous reasons for not sharing, may include fear for career security, judgment, scrutiny […]

Career Progression Challenges: How To Confidently Manage A Career Promotion

career promotion and career progression

A New Promotion and Career Progression A new promotion can be an exciting new step in your career progression. Not only does it acknowledge all of your hard work, your dedication, your character and your skill set up to this point, but also it reflects your management’s trust and faith within your abilities, skills and […]

Manage Career Anxiety

career anxiety

Do you go to bed on Sunday with the Sunday night blues and wake up with feeling the effects of another “manic Monday”? Perhaps you feel anxious about where your career is heading or if indeed you’re in the right career for you?