High Achievers, Success and Confidence: The Top Myths

High Achievers, Success and Confidence: The Top Myths. What do you think of when you think of low confidence? Perhaps you may think of someone who seeks approval and validation? Or perhaps someone who is critical of themselves, compares themselves to others or does not believe in their own capabilities? Alternatively perhaps you might see […]
10 Signs You Could Be Experiencing Professional and Executive Imposter Syndrome

10 signs you could be experiencing professional and executive imposter syndrome Whether you’re an ambitious professional, an executive, role model or leader, imposter syndrome and self-doubt can show up and impact your career and your life in many ways and ultimately it can prevent you from reaching, realising, and even enjoying and embracing your full […]
Improve your confidence: 30 ways low confidence can hold you back

Improve your confidence: 30 ways low confidence can hold you back To improve your confidence, you first need to understand your triggers, experiences and what is holding you back. Short-lived confidence is often sought from other people, validation, external situations, acknowledgment, success or as a reward. However, long-lasting confidence can only be developed and built […]
Change your Career: 12 Hints It Could Be Time To Move On

How do you know when it is time to change your career? The wrong career or professional environment has the potential to hold you back, stop you from taking opportunities, apply for a career promotion, lower your confidence, stagnate your career performance or career progression, and can prevent you from reaching and realising your full […]