Executive Coaching and Creating a Healthy Work Life Balance
Who are you away from your career? Executive Coaching and creating a healthy work life balance can often present many hurdles and challenges. As an executive coach, I often coach ambitious professionals, executive and leaders who are competent within their careers, only to find that they lack clarity, confidence and vision within their personal lives. […]
Improve Your Confidence: The Risks of Changing Who You Are To Fit In
Improve Your Confidence: The Risks of Changing Who You Are To Fit In Oscar Wilde once said: “Be yourself because everyone else is taken” However, what happens when improving your confidence is not as simple as it seems? It may sometimes feel easier, comfortable and safer to be anyone else but yourself? Changing who you are […]
Imposter syndrome: 6 signs you might be competent but under-confident
What does Imposter syndrome sound like? Perhaps you catch yourself saying “It was a fluke!’, ‘I was just lucky’, ‘If I can do it anyone can’, ‘It was someone else’s hard work or talent’, ‘I had a lot of support’, ‘I’ll be found out’ ‘I’m a fraud’ ‘I’m not as good as everyone says I […]
Leadership Coaching: Leadership Challenges and Micromanagement
Leadership coaching: Leadership challenges and micromanagement When clients seek leadership coaching, one of the most difficult leadership challenges is being able to trust others and to let go of control. Often wanting to retain control shows a lack of confidence, trust and insecurity within yourself which not only impacts your own career but has wider […]